"The Morning Show Season 3" is an American workplace drama series based on Brian Stelter's book.
Created by Jay Carson, it focuses on the lives of news anchors and crew of a fictional morning news program.
Season 3, consisting of ten episodes, premiered on September 13, 2023.
The show is available for streaming on Apple TV Plus.
Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon reprise their roles, along with other notable cast members.
Season 3 introduces heightened drama with the network's takeover by businessman Paul Marks.
Viewers can easily access the show on Apple TV Plus by following simple steps.
Apple TV Plus offers the option to share the subscription with up to five family members.
Discounts and promotions may be available based on the user's device eligibility.
The synopsis highlights intense conflicts and alliances both in and out of the newsroom in Season 3.