Number 1 (Date of Birth 1,10,19,28): Positive changes in professional life, increased income, and cheerful home atmosphere.
Number 2 (Date of Birth 2,11,20,29): Unfavorable circumstances in marital life, potential office problems, and financial setbacks for businessmen.
Number 7 (Date of Birth 7,16,25): Advice for working individuals to learn from mistakes, caution for traders against hasty decisions, and the importance of health care for progress.
Number 8 (Date of Birth 8,17,26): Busyness in personal and professional life, guidance for students' competitive exams, and the significance of stress management through yoga and meditation.
Number 9 (Date of Birth 9,18,27): Positive romantic relationships, support from partners, and the potential for success in education and government job endeavors.